24 June, 2008

An Excellent Experience

This past weekend was an absolute treat. A good friend of mine and my family was baptized and confirmed a member of the church. Tom is very close to my two sisters Caitlin and Jessica and ran track and cross-country during high school with Jessica. He now runs for Stanford and is doing quite well. Just Google Tom Gruenewald and you will see some his accolades.

Tom is not just a runner. He is a kind, honest, and straightforward person. He was a regular visitor in our home, and we always hoped that he would join the church. As he was at Stanford he began attending meetings and began meeting with the missionaries. On Saturday, June 21 2008 he was baptized by my dad and confirmed a member of the church the next day by me.

Congratulations Tom.

1 comment:

JD said...

i remember meeting him at your wedding. good kid. and great taste in suits.